Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Delay in regular updates

It seems I have seriously relapsed  and will be going to the clinic in a few hours when it opens and my doctor comes in, so there will be a week or so before I can update with new news and images as I try to get better.

In the mean time:
I recommend watching "Mystery Team", Community's Donald Glover (Troy) is hilarious in it. Equally it comes as no surprise that Legend of Korra was leaked and oh my god is it amazing!

Friday, March 16, 2012

More work and shop

 It seems I've taken a couple steps backwards health-wise, I have another appointment but I don't have hopes that it'll say anything that I don't already know. Nearly there with my last work assignment, my computer is bitching at me about RAM usage so I got to sort that out or buy some more. While I decided to step away from it for a moment I decided to go after a piece I had started on but did horribly.  I have to admit I am much happier with how it is now.

And now I finally opened my web shop, so feel free to peruse and possibly purchase shirts with artwork I did! You can find me at:  http://www.redbubble.com/people/illukyuu/works/8607602-beware-facehuggers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vector progress

Currently working on vectoring and coloring a logo, planning to add this into my portfolio as well

Monday, March 12, 2012

Quick update

Things have gone well with the studio I got the freelance work from, it sounds like there might be more work coming my way, I really hope so as well as referrals. In the mean time I think I've found my preferred method of inking: brush. I've got some print outs I'm going to practice and experiment on before I move onto art board and other mediums then attempt on my own pieces.
Adam Hughes lines, Ink by me. Higgens Black India & Martin's Bombay White with Winsor and Newton Sable

Friday, March 9, 2012


Faces from finished freelance gig
Another minor update, I completed one of the freelance jobs and it looks like I'll be receiving more work from them as well as possibly be referenced out to another. Keeping fingers crossed